It really works! No More Pimples and Acne

It really works!!! No More Pimples and Acne.
Some useful tips to get rid of face Acne.
Iodine: It helps to avoid squeezing a deep pimple on cheek
Aloe: leaves can be useful to remove pus from pimples.
Steam bath is a useful daily procedure to remove cheek acne.
If whiteheads appeared on cheeks, wipe the skin with a half of a fresh tomato.

How to prevent Acne.

  1.  Limit yourself to smoked and salty delicacies, sweets and fatty food
  2.  Drink plenty of clean water.
  3.  Stop drinking carbonated beverages.
  4.  Start the morning with fresh air and exercise.
  5.  Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  6.  Try to wash your skin with a tar soap, but if your skin is rather dry, apply soap only to the pimples