Intense nihilism, somatization and agitation in old age are the hallmark symptoms of -

Intense nihilism, somatization and agitation in old age are the hallmark symptoms of -

a.involutional melancholia
b.atypical depression
c.somatized depression
d.depressive stupor

sol:Involutional melanocholia has following featurs
i) Involutional (old) age group

ii) Melanocholia (multiple somatic symptoms → somatization)

iii) Psychomotor agitation / Retardation

iv) Psychotic features (delusion of nilism, guilt, perseution, Hypochondriacal; Hallucinations).

Atypical depression is characterized by increased appetite / increased weight, increased sleep (hypersomnia), Lethargy, Rejection sensitivity.
For somatized depression see previous explanation.
Depressive stupor occurs in severe depression where the person is akinetic (immobile) and mute.