Infectious diseases

  1. Special stain used in diagnosing mycobacteria and nocardiae infections.
    A. gram stain B. silver stain
    C. Giemsa D. acidfast
  2. Which of the following organisms cause necrotizing inflammation.
    A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis B. measles virus
    B. Clostridium perfringens D. Staphylococcus aureus
  3. Pulmonary disease caused by mycobacteria characterized by small visible ( 2mm)
    foci of yellow white consolidation scattered through the lung parenchyma.
    A. cavitating B. miliary
    C. primary focus D. Pott’s disease
  4. These nodular lesions are related to delayed hypersensitivity to Treponema
    pallidum, and are most commonly seen in the bone, skin and mucous
    membranes of the mouth.
    A. chancre B. scrofula
    C. gumma D. warts
  5. This obligate intracellular gram negative bacterium is the most common
    bacterially sexually transmitted disease in the world.
    A. N. gonorrhea B. C. trachomatis
    C. T. pallidum D. H. ducrey