Importance mcq neetpg

  1. Which of the following accumulates in the cytoplasm of liver cells in steatosis:
    a. Sphingolipids ans. d p. 25
    b. phospholipids
    c. cholesterol/cholesterol esters
    d. triglycerides
  2. Chalkywhite
    appearance of necrotic tissues is seen in which of the following:
    a. caseation necrosis ans. c p. 1092
    b. coagulation necrosis
    c. enzymatic fat necrosis
    d. liquefaction necrosis
  3. Obstruction of the blood supply to the brain would lead to which type of
    a. Caseation ans. C p. 138
    b. coagulation
    c. liquefaction
    d. enzymatic fat necrosis
  4. What is the cell of origin of the epitheloid cell and the Langhan’s giant cell seen
    in tuberculous lesion:
    a. Neutrophils ans. B p. 216
    b. monocyte
    c. lymphocyte
    d. plasma cell
  5. Adenocarcinoma of the prostate tends to involve initially which of the following
    lobes of the prostate gland:
    a. Anterior ans. B p. 1054
    b. posterior
    c. lateral
    d. median
  6. A 60 yearold
    woman presented with postmenopausal bleeding. D and C showed
    endometrial hyperplasia. Pelvic ultrasound showed a solid masss in the left
    overy. Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingooophorectomy
    was done. The histopathologic examination of the left ovary would most likely show which of the following:
    a. Granulose cell tumor ans. A p. 1102
    b. Mature teratoma
    c. Mucinous cystadenoma
    d. Fibroma
  7. Marked thrombocytopenia and a DIClike
    phenomenon are responsible for the
    unusually severe bleeding tendency in which of the following:
    a. Acute lymphocytic leukemia ans. C p. 693
    b. Acute monocytic leukemia
    c. Acute myelocytic leukemia
    d. Acute promyelocytic leukemia
  8. Lacunar cells are seen in which of the following:
    a. Hodgkin’s lymphoma ans. a p. 646
    b. NonHodgkin’s
    c. Plasma cell dyscrasia
    d. Langerhans cell histiocytosis
  9. The most common cause of death in Multiple Myeloma is :
    a. renal failure ans. c p. 664
    b. widespread metastases
    c. infection
    d. bleeding
  10. Plasma cells are predominant cellular infiltrates in lesions associated with which of the following: :
    a. Herpesvirus ans. C p. 388
    b. N. gonorrheae
    c. .T. pallidum
    d. Hepatitis B virus
  11. KimmelstielWilson’s
    lesions in diabetes mellitus are seen in which of the following:
    a. Eyes ans. D p. 991
    b. pancreas
    c. liver
    d. kidney
  12. Diffuse infiltration of the adrenal gland is a pathologic lesion most commonly associated with which of the following:
    a. Cushing’s syndrome ans. C p. 1215
    b. WaterhouseFriederischen syndrome
    c. Addison’s disease
    d. Conn’s syndrome
  13. The cell or tissue of origin of most breast carcinomas is the:
    a. Stroma ans. B p. 1130
    b. Duct
    c. Lobule
    d. Acini
  14. In cervical carcinoma, involvement of the lower third of the vagina is what stage.
    a. I ans. C p. 1077
    b. II
    c. III
    d. IV
  15. Which of the following is the most likely mediator of pain:
    a. Histamine ans. B p. 68
    b. Prostaglandin
    c. Cytokine
    d. Oxygen metabolites
  16. In healing by secondary intention, the resultant scar is much smaller than the original wound because of which of the following:
    a. Less fibrin formation ans. D p. 113
    b. Removal of exudates
    c. More granulation tissue
    d. Wound retraction
  17. The final common pathway of ARDS is which of the following:
    a. Diffuse damage to alveolar capillary walls ans. D p. 715
    b. Deficient pulmonary surfactant
    c. Fibrin exudation
    d. Formation of hyaline membranes
  18. Which of the following is the most common pathway for the initial route of
    metastasis of carcinomas:
    a. direct extension ans. D p. 279
    b. seeding
    c. hematogenous
    d. lymphatics
  19. Which of the following are characteristics of antemortem clots:
    a. lines of Zahn ans. A p. 133
    b. currant jelly clots
    c. both
    d. neither
  20. Emboli of major veins of the legs will eventually plug small vessels of which of the following:
    a. pulmonary circulation ans. A p. 136
    b. coronary circulation
    c. cerebral circulation
    d. systemic circulation
  21. Which of the following is the most important factor in the development of
    a. Stasis ans. C p. 130
    b. turbulence
    c. endothelial injury
    d. hypercoagulability of blood
  22. Which of the following is the substance that is responsible for massive peripheral vasodilatation in sepsis:
    a. Cytokines ans. D p. 72
    b. oxygenderived
    free radicals
    c. fibrin degradation products
    d. nitric oxide
  23. Movement of leukocytes towards the site of injury is:
    a. Opsonization ans. B p. 56
    b. Chemotaxis
    c. Diapedesis
    d. Transmigration
  24. Secondary union is characterized by:
    a. Wound contration ans. A p. 113
    b. Minimal tissue loss
    c. Death of limited cells
    d. Small defect
  25. Cells which act as vehicles in the transport of HIV to the other parts of the body:
    a. Monocytes ans. A p. 248
    b. Neutrophils
    c. Lymphocytes
    d. Plasma cells
  26. Diffuse effacement of foot processes is characteristic of:
    a. Idiopathic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis ans. B p. 981
    b. Lipoid nephrosis
    c. IgA nephropathy
    d. Lupus nephritis
  27. Accumulation of cells, in the form of crescents, in the bowman’s space is
    characteristic of which of the following:
    a. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis ans. C p. 976
    b. Membranous glomerulonephritis
    c. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
    d. Nephritic syndrome
  28. Hematuria, oliguria and hypertension indicate involvement of the:
    a. Glomeruli ans. A p. 974
    b. Tubules
    c. Interstitium
    d. Blood vessels
  29. Primarily unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia is seen in which of the following:
    a. Viral hepatitis ans. D p. 888
    b. DubinHohnson
    c. Biliary tract obstruction
    d. Gilbert’s syndrome
  30. The classic diagnostic features of costovertebral pain, palpable mass and hematuria suggest the presence of which of the following:
    a. Renal cell carcinoma ans. A p. 1018
    b. Wilm’s tumor
    c. Urethelial CA of the renalpelvis
    d. Urinary bladder CA
  31. The most important histopathologic indication of CNS injury is:
    a. Rosenthal fibers ans. B p. 1351
    b. Gliosis
    c. Neuronophagia
    d. Corpora amylacea
  32. Which of the following markers confer protection and forms the basis for current vaccination strategies:
    a. AntiHBe
    ans. D p. 894
    b. IgM anti HBe
    c. IgG antiHBe
    d. Anti HBsAg
  33. Persistent infection and chronic hepatitis are hallmarks of which of the following:
    a. HBV ans. A p. 891892
    b. HCV
    c. Coinfection with HDV and HBV
    d. HEV
  34. H. pylori is associated with which of the following conditions:
    a. Barrett esophagus ans. B p. 817
    b. Peptic ulcer
    c. Reflux esophagitis
    d. Curling’s ulcer
  35. Variceal dilatation of the anal and perianal plexuses is called:
    a. Angiodysplasia ans. B p. 854
    b. Hemorrhoids
    c. Hemangioma
    d. Arteriovenous malformation
  36. Which of the following is associated with early cyanosis:
    a. Patent duotus arteriosus ans. b p. 575
    b. Tetralogy of Fallot
    c. Ventricular septal defect
    d. Atrial septal defect
  37. Most deaths that occur during acute rheumatic fever are caused by which of the following:
    a. Streptococcal sepsis ans. c p. 549
    b. Pericarditis
    c. Myocarditis
    d. Endocarditis
  38. The following are effects of aging in the heart, EXCEPT:
    a. Brown atrophy ans. b p. 519
    b. “boot”shaped
    c. “sigmoid” septum
    d. Lambl’s excrecences
  39. Which of the following primarily affects the cerebral cortex:
    a. Parkinsonism ans. b p. 1329
    b. Alzheimer’s disease
    c. Huntington’s disease
    d. Friedrich ataxia
  40. Most cases of esophageal carcinomas are located in the:
    a. Upper third ans. b p. 765
    b. Middle third
    c. Lower third
    d. Gastroesophageal junction
  41. Gastric hypersecretion, pancreatic islet tumor, peptic ulcer disease unresponsive
    to treatment and severe diarrhea characterize which of the following:
    a. Insulinoma ans. b p. 923
    b. Gastrinoma
    c. Multiple endocrine neoplasia
    d. Glucagenoma
  42. Hirschsprung’s disease usually involves which segment of the intestine:
    a. jejunum ans. c p. 786
    b. ileum
    c. cecum
    d. rectum
  43. This is elevated up to 2 weeks in acute pancreatitis:
    a. Serum amylase ans. c p. 901
    b. Serum lipase
    c. Urine amylase
    d. Serum calcium
  44. The most common cause of death in patients with advanced cervical carcinoma is:
    a. Uremia ans. a p. 1053
    b. Infection
    c. Widespread metastasis
    d. Bleeding
  45. Struma ovarii is a variant of which of the following:
    a. Granulosa cell tumor ans. b p. 1072
    b. Teratoma
    c. Endodermal sinus tumor
    d. Dysgerminoma
  46. Chronic necrotizing infection of the bronchi and bronchioles associated with abnormal dilation of the airways is:
    a. Bronchitis ans. c p. 692
    b. Emphysema
    c. Bronchiectasis
    d. Lung abscess
  47. The most frequent mechanism in the development of lung abscess is:
    a. septic embolism ans. b p. 699
    b. aspiration of infected material
    c. post pneumonic complication
    d. direct trauma
  48. Which of the following is the classic physiologic feature of diffuse interstitial lung disease:
    a. Increased lung volume ans. a
    b. Decreased pulmonary resistance
    c. Limited expiratory flow rates
    d. Reduction in oxygen diffusing capacity, lung volume or compliance
  49. The most common cause of hydrothorax is:
    a. Renal failure ans. b p. 729
    b. Congestive heart failure
    c. Nephritic syndrome
    d. Cirrhosis
  50. Which of the following is seen in rickets:
    a. Bowing of the bones ans. a p. 417
    b. Osteosclerosis
    c. Normal growth zones in metaphysic
    d. Pectus excavatum
  51. The involucrum of osteomyelitis conssts of which of the following:
    a. Necrotic bone ans. d p. 1230
    b. From a focus in the pelvis
    c. Draining sinuses
    d. Reactive bone around a sequestrum
  52. Which of the following is correct regarding how Tuberculous osteomyelitis arise:
    a. spontaneously ans. d p. 1231
    b. from a focus in the pelvis
    c. from a focus in the spinal cord
    d. from a hematogenous dissemination
  53. Which of the following is associated with osteoporosis:
    a. reduced physical activity ans. c p. 12201221
    b. increased parathyroid hormone
    c. both
    d. neither
  54. Coup and contrecoup injuries are characterized by which of the following:
    a. infarction of brain tissue ans. d p. 1305
    b. hemorrhage of brain tissue
    c. laceration of brain tissue
    d. contusion of brain
  55. In rabies, Negri bodies are found in which of the following:
    a. Hippocampus ans. a p. 1320
    b. temporal lobes
    c. hypothalamus
    d. pons
  56. The most common site involved in hypertensive intracranial hemorrhage is which of the following :
    a. Thalamus ans. c p. 1311
    b. pons
    c. putamen
    d. cerebellum
  57. What is the most common route of entry of infectious organisms in the central nervous system:
    a. direct implantation ans. b p. 1314
    b. peripheral nervous system
    c. local extension
    d. hematogenous
  58. The anterior horn motor neurons of the spinal cord are primarily affected in which of the following conditions:
    a. cytomegalovirus infection ans. b p. 1320
    b. poliomyelitis
    c. toxoplasmosis
    d. herpes simplex encephalitis
  59. Scirrhous carcinomas of the breast are usually:
    a. medullary carcinomas ans. b p. 1103
    b. ductal carcinomas
    c. mucinous carcinomas
    d. lobular carcinomas
  60. Which of the following is/are characteristic mammographic calcifications in breast carcinomas:
    a. Smaller ans. d p. 1106
    b. more tightly clustered
    c. more numerous
    d. all of the above
  61. Which of the following is the most common cause of lump in the breast:
    a. no disease ans. d p. 1091
    b. cancer
    c. fibroadenoma
    d. fibrocystic disease
  62. The characteristic flaskshaped
    ulcers in amebiasis are most frequently seen in which of the following:
    a. ascending colon ans. a p. 333
    b. transverse colon
    c. descending colon
    d. rectum
  63. What kind of organism is Pneumocystis carinii:
    a. Bacterium ans. c p. 228
    b. virus
    c. protozoa
    d. fungus
  64. Pipestem fibrosis of the liver is seen in which of the following:
    a. Syphilis ans. c p. 372
    b. tuberculosis
    c. schistosomiasis
    d. malaria