Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads

Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.
My essay;
Nowadays, many ways of transportation have been introduced leading to many issues along with making the journeys less time consuming and comfortable. I believe that the government should allocate more funds to improve train system rather than spending on developing of roads.
The traffic on roads in most urban areas of the world has led to emergence of several problems such as pollution and congestion. This is obvious from the fact that road traffic accidents are the second most common cause of deaths in many areas of the globe. Furthermore, spending more funds on roads will cause a decrease in available for commercial and residential purposes, resulting in disturbing the social and economic equilibrium of the society. The recent rise in prices of houses and land in densely populated and developed cities of the world signifies this fact.
Therefore, I concur that government should shift most of the money from building network of roads to constructing and improving railway system. As the trains run on a specific track, so by building these outside residential areas will result in protecting the population from the effects of air and noise pollution. Similarly, as the trains are run according to a specific schedule, this will potential cause a decline in number of accidents. For instance, the introduction of metro trains in Shinghai city of China has caused fifty percent decrease in incidence of accidents.
To sum up, by constructing network of roads, highways and flyovers, the traffic system can be improved. However, spending more developing mass transit systems like trains can solve these problems more effeciently.