Gartners cyst arises from?

All the following statements concerning the conjoint tendon are true except -

a) It forms part of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal

b) It is formed by the fusion of the aponeuroses of the transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles

c) It reinforces the superficial inguinal ring

d) It is continuous with the inguinal ligament

e) It may bulge forward in a direct inguinal hernia

Auditory transmission is via-
a) Lateral lemniscus
b) Medial lemniscus
c) Lateral geniculate body
d) Frontal cortex

Sympathetic innervation of heart is by -


Femoral ring is bounded by all except -

a) Inguinal ligament
b) Superior ramus of pubis
c) Femoral artery
d) Femoral vein

Which of the following structure is attached to the head of the fibula -
a) Lateral mensiscus
b) Popliteus tendon
c) Lateral collateral ligament
d) Posterior cruciate ligament

All of the following develops from 2nd brachial arch EXCEPT:
a) Buccinator
b) 7th cranial nerve
c) Anterior belly of digastric
d) Stapes

Goblet cells are present in all EXCEPT:
a) Small intestine
b) Large intestine
c) Esophagus
d) Stomach

Which layer of scalp is vascular?
a) Skin
b) Subcutaneous tissue
c) Aponeurosis
d) Loose connective tissue

Brocas area is located in?
a) Superior frontal gyrus
b) Inferior frontal gyrus
c) Cingulate sulcus
d) Insula

Evertor of ankle inserted into the medial cuneiform is?
a) Peroneus longus
b) Peroneus brevis
c) Tibialis anterior
d) Tibialis posterior

Gartners cyst arises from?

a) Remnant of paramesonephric duct
b) Remnant of mesonephric duct
c) Cervix
d) Vagina

Cells present in cerebellum are all EXCEPT:
a) Purkinje cells
b) Stellate cells
c) Pyramidal cells
d) Basket cells

Which of the following is decussated in superior medullary velum?
a) 3rd nerve
b) 4th nerve
c) 5th nerve
d) 6th nerve

Which is a typical intercostal nerve?
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Seventh

Ossification centre which appears first is?
a) Upper end of femur
b) Lower end of femur
c) Greater trochanter
d) Head