Fourier de prodromique is seen in?

Fourier de prodromique is seen in ? A ) lacunar infarcts B ) central pontine myelinosis C ) brain tumour D ) all of the above

Q 15 Foll cranial N is not affected in locked in syndrome ?

A ) 6 B ) 7 C ) 8 D ) 9

Q 16 Predominantly originates from occipital lobe ?

A ) alpha B ) beta C ) gamma D ) delta

Q 17 a 15 yr old hoy having difficulty in solving mathematical problems , part of the brain affected is ?

A ) temporal lobe B ) frontal lobe C ) parietal lobe
D ) occipital lobe

Q 18 foll area of frontal lobe controls voluntary activities of opposite half of body ?

A ) 2 B ) 4 C ) 6 D ) 8

Q 19 Metabolic syndrome is associated with ?

A ) insulin resistance B ) dyslipidemia C ) coronary heart disease D ) all are associated

Q 20 most common location for hypertensive bleed ?

A ) caudate

B ) thalamus

C ) pons

D ) cerebellum