
1) Regarding Cauiliflower Ear Which Statement Is Most Appropriate :

A. is the adrenocarcinoma of pinna.
B. suction clearance is indicated for it.
C. is a consequence of serious effusion.
D. is a congenital deformity.

2) Perichondritis Is Related To The Following Exept :

A. may follow a surgical procedure .
B. may result from extension of otomycosis.
C. plastic surgery is suggested in late stages.
D. pseudomonas is the common causative agent.

3)Regarding Wax :

A. during its removal fits of cough may occur.
B. liquid paraffin can be used for softening of hard wax.
C. long standing impacted wax may result in granuloma formation.
D. topical antibiotics are helpful.

  4) During Antral Irrigation if trocar and canula entered into the pterygopalatine fossa and damaged the maxillary artery, it can be surgically treated by:

A. repeating antral irrigation.
B. intranasal antrostomy.
C. caldwell luc operation
D. SMR operation.

    5) a 25 years old swimmer (male) having persistant frontal headache and swelling of the upper eyelids, inspite of medical treatment for 48 hours, sign & symptoms persists. x-ray shows opacity of frontal sinus. which surgical procedure is most likely to be performed :

A. antral lavage.
B. trephination.
C. frontosphenoethmoidectomy.
D. intranasal antrostomy.

  6) a 17 years old patient suffering from chronic maxillary sinusitis with prulent & foul smelling nasal discharge, sinus irrigation didn’t resolve the infection. surgery is performed by perforating nasolateral wall of inferior meatus and pus is removed by suction, this surgical managment is:

A. intranasal antrostomy.
C. proof puncture.
D. caldwell luc operation.

     7) The position of vocal cords in case of unilateral abductor paralysis is :

A. Median.
B. Paramedian.
C. Cadaveric.
D. Full Abduction.

   8) In Right Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy , Patiant will complain of :

A. Respiratory Distress and Hoarsness of Voice.
B. Respiratory Distress.
C. Hoarsness of Voice.
D. Non of Them.

 9) Wrong statement regarding clinical features of Infectious Mono Nucleosis is :

A. Malaise.
B. Spleenomegaly.
C. Rubelli form rashes if Amoxicillin is mistakenly used.
D. High grade fever.

  1. Incorrect statement regarding Faucial Diphtheria :

A. Oropharynx , Larynx and Nasal cavity are involved.
B. Complications include Myocarditis.
C. Diphtheric Membrane may cause airway Obstruction.
D. It is Chronic specific infection.