Dr Swamy PLAB Courses PLAB 1 MOCK TEST

Dr Swamy PLAB Courses PLAB 1 MOCK TEST

  1. A 44 year old patient comes with right hemiparesis. On examination he has left sided ptosis and his left pupil is dilated. Where is the lesion?
    A. Cerebral infarct
    B. Cerebellar infarct
    C. Medulla Oblongata
    D. Pons
    E. Midbrain

  2. A 35 year old man presents with a headache that worsens on bending his head forward. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    A. Chronic Sinusitis
    B. Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
    C. Migraine
    D. Cluster Headache
    E. Tension Headache

  3. A 13year old boy with umbilical pain for the last 12h presents with anorexia, nausea and has not passed a bowel motion for 24h. What is your diagnosis?
    A. Acute appendicitis
    B. IBD
    C. IBS
    D. Meckel’s diverticulum
    E. Psoas hematoma

  4. A 2 day baby started to have jaundice but is breast feeding well and gaining weight. She is passing white stool 2-3 times per day. What is the single most likely cause of jaundice?
    A. Biliary atresia
    B. Haemolysis
    C. Physiological
    D. Congenital spherocytosis
    E. Breast milk jaundice

  5. Patient with myocardial infarction now presents with breathlessness, bi-basal crepitations. ECG is normal. What is the most likely cause of his symptom?
    A. Pulmonary embolism
    B. Pulmonary oedema
    C. Pneumothorax
    D. Haemothorax
    E. Mitral regurgitation

  6. Which is the correct statement regarding febrile seizures.
    A. Most cases will resolve by the age of 6 years D. A child can have a febrile fit only once
    B. All cases will progress to epilepsy
    C. There is some learning difficulty later in life

  7. A 29 year old male patient presented with complaints of diarrhoea for the last 4 days. Biochemical investigations were carried out. What is the key metabolic change that will be noticed?
    A. Metabolic alkalosis
    B. Hyperkalemia
    C. Metabolic acidosis
    D. Hypernatremia
    E. Hypercalcaemia

  8. A patient with cerebral metastasis has polyuria and polydypsia. What part of the brain would be affected?
    A. Cerebral Cortrex E. Medulla
    B. Cerebellum
    C. Diencephelon
    D. Pons

  9. A child has come after overdosing on his grandma’s pills. He has dilated pupils and extra systoles. What is the most likely drug taken?
    A. Digoxin D. Betablockers
    B. Amitriptyline
    C. SSRI

  10. A 55year old woman with breast ca which has spread to lung, liver and bone now presents with increasing constipation, weakness, thirst and anorexia for the past 3days. Her only medication is haloperidol for hiccoughs. Today she is disorientated and has left sided weakness. What is the
    most likely diagnosis?
    A. Brain metastasis
    B. Hypercalcemia
    C. Liver failure