Dolichol phosphate is

  1. In the passive diffusion, solute molecules cross the membrane as a result of

    A. concentration difference
    B. pressure difference
    C. ionic difference
    D. all of these

  2. Dolichol phosphate is

    A. a complex lipid involved in docking vesicles with the plasma membrane
    B. the anchor on which sugars assemble before transfer to proteins
    C. a chaperone used in protein folding
    D. a product of phospholipase C activation

  3. Which type of genomics studies the transcripts and proteins expressed by a genome?

    A. Comparative genomics
    B. Structural genomics
    C. Proteo genomics
    D. Functional genomics

  4. What was the first bacterial genome to be sequenced and made public?

    A. Bacillus subtilis
    B. Escherichia coli
    C. Haemophilus influenzae
    D. No bacterial genome has been sequenced yet