Dermatology AIIMS NOV 2014

Q-1. Itchy tense blisters are seen on normal looking skin as well as urticarial plaques, as seen in the figure. What is the diagnosis (Image based question)?
a) Bullous pemphigoid
b) IgA pemphigus
c) Dermatitis herpetiformis
d) Pemphigus vulgaris

Answer: Bullous pemphigoid

Q-2. A 25 year old girl presented with erythematous papules on the face as seen in the figure. The lesions were exacerbated on excessive sweating, sun exposure and emotional disturbance. What is the diagnosis (Image based question)?
a) SLE
b) Rosacea
c) Acne vulgaris
d) Photo-dermatitis

Answer: Rosacea

Q-3. A patient presented with the lesion as shown in the picture. What is the next best investigation (Image based question)?
a) Grattage test
b) KOH Mount
c) Skin sensation testing
d) Patch test

Answer: KOH Mount
Diagnosis: Pityriasis versicolor

Q-4. A female patient comes after a holiday with vulvo-vaginal discharge and dysuria. Which of the following is the most sensitive diagnostic test?
a) Nucleic acid amplification test
b) Wet mount
c) Gram stain
d) Blood culture

Answer: Nucleic acid amplification test

Q-5. Which of the following is not a type of lichen planus?
a) Lichen planopilaris
b) Lichen pigmentosa
c) Lichen hyper-trophica
d) Lichen scrofulosorum

Answer: Lichen scrofulosorum

Q-6. A 24 year old female presented with complains of acne. On examination multiple nodules, cysts and intercommunicating sinuses were seen. How will you treat her?
a) Oral isotretinoin
b) Tazarotene
c) Acitretin
d) Doxycycline

Answer: Oral isotretinoin

Q-7. A 23 year old male complains of recurrent scaly lesion on the glans penis. It always occurred at the same site and healed with slight hyper-pigmentation. What is the likely diagnosis?
a) Syphilis
b) Fixed drug eruption
c) HSV
d) Gonorrhoeae

Answer: Fixed drug eruption

Q-8. Fungal Kerato-mycosis, alternative treatment:
a) Linezolid
b) Doxy
c) Silver sulfadiazine
d) Vancomycin

Answer: Silver sulfadiazine
There are three main groups of antifungal agents:
Polyene antibacterial agents:
Amphotericin B
Pyridine derivatives:
Imidazole derivatives:
Other drugs used to treat fungal infection include iodine and silver sulfadiazine.