Crack NEET PG 2017-2018

Crack NEET PG 2017-18

1.Primary prevention of hypertension are all except

a) Reduce sodium intake
b) Reduced Potassium intake
c) Reduced alcohol intake
d) Weight loss and regular exercise

2.Drug (s) used in smoking cessation is

a) Nicotine
b) Bupropion
c) Varenicline
d) All

3.No true about Zostavax vaccine

a) Varicella vaccine
b) Elevates VZV specific cell mediated immunity
c) Significantly reduces the incidence of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia in old person
d) None

4.TB gold is

a) T cell based assay
b) B cell based assay
c) Lymphocyte based assay
d) Polymorph based assay

5.What is the nerve supply of the angle of the jaw?

a) Maxillary nerve
b) Mandibular nerve
c) Greater auricular nerve
d) Lesser occipital nerve