Comprehensive Ophthalmology 6th Edition

Comprehensive Ophthalmology 6th Edition

Journey of Comprehensive Ophthalmology, beginning from January 1996, has been satisfying, as it has succeeded in serving the needs of the students at large. Thoroughly revised and updated sixth edition of the Comprehensive Ophthalmology 6th Edition ebook retains its well accepted style of presenting the text. However, to make it more user-friendly its layout has been re-organized into six sections as against two sections in the fifth edition.
Comprehensive Ophthalmology 6th Edition features

Each chapter begins with a brief overview highlighting the topics covered followed by relevant applied
anatomy and physiology. The text is then organized in such a way that the students can easily understand,
retain and reproduce it. Various levels of headings, subheadings, bold face and italics given in the text
will be helpful for a quick revision of the subject.

 Text is complete and up-to-date with recent advances. To be true, some part of the text is in more detail
than the requirement of undergraduate students. But this very feature of the book makes it a useful
handbook for the postgraduate students as well.

 Text is illustrated with plenty of diagrams, comprising clinical photographs and clear-line diagrams
which provide vivid and lucid details.
 Operative steps of important surgical techniques have been given in the relevant chapters.
 Wherever possible important information has been given in the form of tables and flow charts.

Comprehensive Ophthalmology 6th Edition content

Section 1: Anatomy and Physiology of Eye includes two chapters. First chapter is devoted to essential
aspects of Anatomy and Development of the Eye, and second chapter covers Physiological aspects of
various ocular structures including Physiology of Vision in a concise manner.

Section II: Optics and Refraction. Out of two chapters of this section one is devoted to Elementary and
Physiological Optics and the other describes Errors of Refraction and Accommodation in depth.

Section III: Diseases of Eye. This section covers important diseases of various structure components of the
eyeball, ocular adnexa and visual pathway in fourteen chapters.

Section IV: Ocular Therapeutics. This section comprises two chapters one each on Ocular Pharmacology,
and Lasers and Cryotherapy in Ophthalmology.

Section V: Systemic and Community Ophthalmology includes two chapters one on each topic.

Section VI: Practical Ophthalmology. This section includes chapters on Clinical Methods in Ophthalmology
and different other aspects essential to the practical examinations such as Ophthalmic Cases, Darkroom
Procedures, and Ophthalmic Instruments.

Review of Ophthalmology. This companion to the textbook provides an in depth revision of the subject
at a glance and an opportunity for self-assessment, and thus makes it the book of choice for preparing for
various postgraduate entrance examinations.