Common signs and symptoms of disease

common signs and symptoms of disease…

*.Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB)—low-grade
afternoon fever.
*.Pneumonia—rust-colored sputum.
*.Asthma—wheezing on expiration.
*.Emphysema—barrel chest.
*.Kawasaki Syndrome—strawberry tongue.
*.Pernicious Anemia—red beefy tongue.
*.Down syndrome—protruding tongue.
*.Cholera—rice-watery stool and washer
woman’s hands (wrinkled hands from
*.Malaria—stepladder like fever with chills.
*.Typhoid—rose spots in the abdomen.
*.Dengue—fever,rash, and headache. Positive
Herman’s sign.
*.Diphtheria—pseudomembrane formation.
*.Measles—Koplik’s spots (clustered white
lesions on buccal mucosa).
*.Systemic Lupus Erythematosus—butterfly rash.
*.Leprosy—leonine facies (thickened folded facial
*.Bulimia—chipmunk facies (parotid gland
*.Appendicitis—rebound tenderness at
McBurney’s point. Rovsing’s sign (palpation of
LLQ elicits pain in RLQ). Psoas sign (pain from
flexing the thigh to the hip).
*.Meningitis—Kernig’s sign (stiffness of
hamstrings causing inability to straighten the leg
when the hip is flexed to 90 degrees),
Brudzinski’s sign (forced flexion of the neck
elicits a reflex flexion of the hips).
*.Tetany—hypocalcemia, [+] Trousseau’s sign;
Chvostek sign.
*.Tetanus— Risus sardonicus or rictus grin.
*.Pancreatitis—Cullen’s sign (ecchymosis of the
umbilicus), Grey Turner’s sign (bruising of the
*.Pyloric Stenosis—olive like mass.
*.Patent Ductus Arteriosus—washing machine-
like murmur.
*.Addison’s disease—bronzelike skin
*.Cushing’s syndrome—moon face appearance
and buffalo hump.
*.Grave’s Disease (Hyperthyroidism)—
Exophthalmos(bulging of the eye out of the
*.Intussusception—Sausage-shaped mass.
*.Multiple Sclerosis—Charcot’s Triad: nystagmus,
intention tremor, and dysarthria.
*.Myasthenia Gravis—descending muscle
weakness, ptosis (drooping of eyelids).
*.Guillain-Barre Syndrome—ascending muscles
*.Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)—Homan’s Sign.
*.Angina—crushing, stabbing pain relieved by
*.Myocardial Infarction (MI)—crushing, stabbing
pain radiating to left shoulder, neck, and arms.
Unrelieved by NTG.
*.Parkinson’s disease—pill-rolling tremors.
*.Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection—Owl’seye
appearance of cells (huge nucleus in cells).
*.Glaucoma—tunnel vision.
*.Retinal Detachment—flashes of light, shadow
with curtain across vision.
*.Basilar Skull Fracture—Raccoon eyes
(periorbital ecchymosis) and Battle’s sign
(mastoid ecchymosis).
*.Buerger’s Disease—intermittent claudication
(pain at buttocks or legs from poor circulation
resulting in impaired walking).
*.Diabetic Ketoacidosis—acetone breathe.
*.Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH)—
proteinuria, hypertension, edema.
*.Diabetes Mellitus—polydipsia, polyphagia,
*.Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)—
*.Hirschsprung’s Disease (Toxic Megacolon)—
ribbon-like stool.
*.Sexual Transmitted Infections:
*.Herpes Simplex Type II—painful vesicles on
*.Genital Warts—warts 1-2 mm in diameter.
*.Syphilis—painless chancres.
*.Chancroid—painful chancres.
*.Gonorrhea—green, creamy discharges and
painful urination.
*.Chlamydia—milky discharge and painful
*.Candidiasis—white cheesy odorless vaginal
*.Trichomoniasis—yellow, itchy, frothy, and foul-
smelling vaginal discharges.