Chondrosarcoma Mcqs 1-5

  1. True about Chondrosarcoma are
    a. It is a malignant tumor
    b. It is a bone forming tumor
    c. 25% of all biopsied malignant bone tumors are chondrosarcomas
    d. Synovial chondromatosis can turn into a chondrosarcoma
    e. 8-17% of all biopsied primary bone tumors are chondrosarcomas

  2. Which of the folllowing can progress to become a chondrosarcoma
    a. Enchondroma
    b. Osteochondroma
    c. Chondromyxoid fibroma
    d. Chondroblastoma
    e. Synovial chondromatosis

  3. Myxoid chondrosarcoma belongs to which grade of chondrosarcoma
    a. Grade 1
    b. Grade 2
    c. Grade 3
    d. None

  4. Find the true statement/s
    a. Chondrosarcoma is common in children
    b. 50% of patients are more than 40 years old with a mean peak incidence of 50 years
    c. Male to female ratio is 1.5:1
    d. Clinical presentation is usually pain of insidious onset
    e. Chondrosarcoma can also present with palpable mass(28%) or pathological fracture(27%)

  5. Which of the following is the least commonly affected site for chondrosarcoma?
    a. Pelvis
    b. Proximal Femur
    c. Proximal Humerus
    d. Hands and Feet