Child acquire the ability to walk unsupported

At what age would the average child acquire the ability to walk unsupported?

6-7 months

8-9 months

10-11 months

13-15 months

2 years

Developmental milestones: gross motor

The table below summarises the major gross motor developmental milestones

Age Milestone
3 months Little or no head lag on being pulled to sit
Lying on abdomen, good head control
Held sitting, lumbar curve
6 months Lying on abdomen, arms extended
Lying on back, lifts and grasps feet
Pulls self to sitting
Held sitting, back straight
Rolls front to back
7-8 months Sits without support (Refer at 12 months)
9 months Pulls to standing
12 months Cruises
Walks with one hand held
13-15 months Walks unsupported (Refer at 18 months)
18 months Squats to pick up a toy
2 years Runs
Walks upstairs and downstairs holding on to rail
3 years Rides a tricycle using pedals
Walks up stairs without holding on to rail
4 years Hops on one leg

the majority of children crawl on all fours before walking but some children ‘bottom-shuffle’. This is a normal variant and runs in families