ANATOMY sample question and answer

  1. The aortic opening in the diaphragm is at the level of
    A. T10
    B. T12
    C. T6
    D. T8

Ans. B

  1. Which of the following is not a content of the pudendal canal
    A. Pudendal nerve
    B. Internal pudendal artery
    C. Internal pudendal vein
    D. Nerve to obturator internus

Ans. D

  1. All the following are general visceral efferent except
    A. Nucleus ambiguous
    B. Dorsal nucleus of vagus
    C. Salivatory nucleus
    D. Edinger Westphal nucleus

Ans. A

  1. Angle formed by the shaft and the neck of the femur is ___ degrees
    A. 115
    B. 125
    C. 135
    D. 145

Ans. B

  1. Which of the following is a primary lymphoid organ
    A. Spleen
    B. Lymphnode
    C. Bonemarrow
    D. Liver

Ans. C

  1. Tongue is protruded by which of the following muscle
    A. Hyoglossus
    B. Palatoglossus
    C. Myelohyoid
    D. Genioglossus

Ans. D

  1. All of the following are features of flat type of pelvis except
    A. Narrow subpubic angle
    B. Short concave sacrum
    C. Divergent side walls
    D. Wide sciatic notch

Ans. A

  1. A lesion involving the C8 nerve root will affect
    A. Extensors of fingers and wrist
    B. Flexors of fingers and wrist
    C. Small muscles of hand

Ans. B

9.Dorsal scapular nerve supplies
A. levator scapulae and rhomboids
B. supraspinatus and infra spinatus
C. lattismus dorsi
D. serratus anterior

Ans. A

  1. With foot off the ground and knee flexed, medial rotation of tibia is brought about by
    A. Popliteus
    B. gastrocnemius
    C. vastus medialis
    D. adductor magnus
