Anatomy importance MCQS 6

A 27-year-old male presents to the emergency department with dyspnea, orthopnea, and cough. A CT of the chest is displayed. Abnormalities on hematological studies eventually lead to a diagnosis of Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. A chylothorax appeared secondary to the lymphoma and was found to account for this emergency presentation. At what vertebral level does the relevant structure pass through the thoracic diaphragm?


1. It passes through the thracic diaphragm at T12
2. It passes through the thoracic diahram at T8
3.It passes through the thoracic diahram at T10
4.It passes through the thoracic diahram at L2

The pathology displayed in a chylothorax, which is most commonly brought on by a lymphoma impinging on the thoracic duct. The thoracic duct runs along the aorta, which passes through the thoracic diaphragm at T12.

The inferior vena cava passes through at T8, the esophagus at 10. Nothing passes through the diaphragm at L2.

The mnemonic “I ate ten eggs at twelve” is handy for remembering what passes through the diaphragm and their relevant levels.
I = IVC = T8
Eggs = Esophagus = T10
At = Aorta and lymphatics = T12