Anatomy importance MCQS 5

A 18-year-old female presents to your clinic for a sports physical before trying out for her college water polo team. During the physical exam, you note that adducting her hip against resistance shows a 5 / 5 muscle strength. What muscle and nerve roots are being tested in this position?

1.Gracilis L2-L3
2.Gluteus medius; L4-S1
3.Semimembranosus; L5-S2
4.Llisoas; L1-L4


Hip adduction is achieved through the actions of the adductor muscles(longus, brevis and magnus), as well as obturator externus and gracilis. In general, all of these muscles are innervated by the obturator nerve, which takes its nerve roots from L2 - L4.

While the other answer options are all paired with their correct nerve roots, none are involved in adduction of the leg.

The semimembranous extends the thigh while flexing and internally rotatingthe leg.
The iliopsoas is involved in hip flexion.
The gluteus medius abducts the hip.