Anatomy_highyield_points 91-100

  1. tributaries of external jugular
    Posterior external jugular
    Superficial cervical
    Anterior jugular

  2. right and left lymph duct drain in to right and left subclavian vein

  3. regional neck lymph nodes
    Submandibular ( from nose , cheek , upper and lower lip ( except middle part of lower lip) anterior 2/3of tongue ( except tip of tongue )
    Floor of mouth , vestibule , gums , upper and lower teeth ( except incisors )
    Submental (from chin, tip of tongue , lower incisors , lower middle lip )
    Anterior cervical
    Superficial cervical ( parotid and lobe of ear)
    Tracheal ( thyroid and tracheae)

  4. branches of ( V) nerve
    Ophthalmic branches : pass through superior orbital fissure
    1, frontal
    2, lacrimal
    3, nasocillary
    Maxillary branch
    1,Greater and lesser palatine nerve
    2,Posterior , middle , anterior , superior alveolar nerve
    3, pharyngeal n
    4, zygomatic N
    5, nasal branches
    Mandibular Nerve
    1, inferior alveolar nerve
    2, lingual nerve
    3,nerve to medial lateral pterygoid muscle , messter muscle , temporalis muscle
    4, auriculotemporal nerve ( otic ganglion )

  5. otic ganglion
    Preganglion fibers from the glossophyrangeal nerve via lesser petrosal nerve
    Postganglionic fibers via auriculotempral nerve to parotid gland

  6. submandibular ganglion
    Pre fibers from facial nerve via chordatympani nerve and lingual nerve
    Post fibers to sublingual glands and sub mandibular

  7. cervical plexuses (C1,2,3),4
    Lesser occipital nerve
    Greater occipital nerve
    Transverse cervical
    Phrenic nerve

  8. tongue muscles
    Intrinsic muscles ( hypoglossal)
    Extrinsic muscles
    1, genioglossus (HGN) (protrusion)
    2, hyoglossus (HGN )(depression)
    3, styloglossus (HGN )(retraction with hyoglossus)
    4, palatoglossus (pharyngeal plexus ) (posterior elevation with styloglossus)

  9. tongue sensation and taste
    Anterior 2/3 :the lingual nerve branch of mandibular nerve ( senstation) , chorda tympani branch of facial nerve ( taste )
    Posterior 1/3 : glossooharngeal nerve

  10. soft palate muscles supplied by pharyngeal plexus
    Levator veli palatni
    Tensor veli palatni (mandibular nerve)