Anatomy_highyield_points 81-90

  1. neck deep fascia three layers
    Investing layer : enclose trapezius and SCM MUSLCE
    Pretracheal layer : surround the thyroid, parathyroid, infra hyoid muscle
    Prevertebral layer : make axillary sheath in axillary

  2. Suprahyoid muscles ( pneumonic GSM/D)
    Geniohyoid ( hypoglossal)
    Stylohyoid ( facial )
    Mylohyoid ( inferior alveolar)
    Digestric ( facial and V3)

  3. infrahyoid muscles (OTSS)
    Thyrohyoid ( hypoglossal)
    All supplied by anna cervicalis (c1,2,3)

  4. carotid sheath is condensation of all deep three facial layers of neck contain
    1 Common carotid A
    3Internal jugular V
    2Deep cervical LN

  5. common carotid A divide at upper border of thyroid cartilage

  6. branches of external C A
    superior thyroid
    Ascending pharyngeal
    Posterior articulate
    Superficial temporal
    Maxillary ( branches middle meningeal A

  7. branches of Internal CA
    Ophthalmic A
    Anterior cerebral
    Middle cerebral
    Posterior communicating

  8. branches of subqclavein A
    First part ( origin to medial border of scalenus anterior)
    1,Vertebral A ( make basilar A)
    2,Thyrocervical trunk ( inferior thyroid A, superficial cervical A, suprascapular A)
    3, internal thoracic A( superior epigastric A)
    Second part( behind the scalenus)
    1, coatocervical trunk ( superior intercostal)
    2,deep cervical A
    Third part
    No branches

  9. veinous supply of skull
    Superior Sagittal sinus-right transverse sinus-sigmoid sinus
    Inferior sagittal sinus -greater cerebral vein-straight sinus-left transverse sinus
    Cavernous sinus -superior petrosal sinus -transverse sinus
    Transverse sinus in to sigmoid sinus and then internal jugular vein

  10. internal and external jugular veins
    Superficial temporal V- maxillary vein - retromadibular vein
    Retromandibular vein

  • 1)anterior- facial vein-internal jugular vein
  • 2)posterior- posterior auricular vein - external jugular vein
  1. tributaries of internal jugular vein
    Sigmoid sinuses
    Inferior petrosal sinus
    Facial vein ( anterior division of retromandibular
    Superior and middle thyroid