Anatomy_highyield_points 61-70

  1. posterior compartment of thigh
    Bicep femoris : sciatic N
    Semitendinous : sciatic N tibial portion
    Semimembranosus : same
    Hamstring :

  2. anterior compartment of leg
    Tibialis anterior
    Extensor digitorum longus
    Extensor hallucis longus
    Pernoeus tertius
    All by deep peroneal nerve

  3. lateral compartment
    Peroneous longus
    Peroneous brevis
    By superficial peroneal nerve

  4. posterior compartment
    Tibialis posterior
    Flexor digitorum longus
    Flexor hallucis longus
    By tibial nerve

  5. branches of femoral artery
    Superficial circumflex illiac artery
    Superficial epigastric artery
    Sperficial and deep external pudendal artery
    Profunda A
    Descending genicular A

  6. pulse at midway between lateral and medial milleoli
    Anterior tibial artery branch of poplitel artery
    Branch of femoral Artery
    Tendon of extensor hallucius longus on medial
    Extensor digitorum longus lateral side

  7. pulse between medial milleoli and heel is by posterior tibial artery
    Lies between tendon of
    Flexor H L, flexor D L

  8. plantar arch is formed by
    Dorsal pedial artery anastomoses with lateral plantar artery branch of posterior tibial a

  9. greater saphenous vein at the medial malleolus, accompany with saphenous nerve ( branch of femoral Nerve )
    Drain in to femoral vein

  10. small saphenous vein at lateral milleoli, accompany with sural nerve drain in to greater saphenous vein and deep veins