All of us take time to adjust into the system and to adjust into the British culture


All of us take time to adjust into the system and to adjust into the British culture.

And once we have adjusted into the system, it can be amusing to look back at how we struggled initially. For example, on my first day in the NHS, when I was first asked my name, I said “My name is Dr. Khan”. From the limited western exposure that I had through TV and books, I thought people were called by their surnames in the UK. To my surprise, the nurse made a very unhappy face and said “In this country, we call doctors by their first name”. I smiled and said “Sure. You can call me Naseer”.

It was not my fault that I did not know that the British culture had changed over the last few centuries. I realised this later when I was watching Sherlock Holmes. There is an episode in which the show travels back and forth between the present and the Victorian era. In the present era, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson call each other by their first names. But in the Victoria era, they call each other by their surnames.

The point is, we learn to adjust in the system with time. It is completely okay to feel lost initially. Things start to make sense eventually. It is important to have friends and to not be lonely. This is why I am glad we have this group.

Also, if you see anyone new joining in your Trust, please help them as much as you can. Thank you!