1.Heme biosynthesis do not occur in (AIIMS Nov 2015)
a) Osteocyte
b) Liver
c) RBC
d) Erythroid cells of Bone marrow

2.Biotin act as a coenzyme for all except(AIIMS Nov 2015)
a) Pyruvate to Oxaloacetae
b) Acetyl CoA to Malonyl CoA
c) Propionyl CoA to Methyl Malonyl CoA
d) Glutamate to Gamma Carboxy Glutamate

11.Selenocysteine is coded by(AIIMS Nov 2015)
a) UGA
b) UAG
c) UAA
d) GUA

3.Which is an important factor(? Transporter) in iron metabolism not specific for iron? (AIIMS Nov 2015)
a) Hepcidin
b) Ferritin
c) DMT-1
d) Apoferritin
Please see the wordings and answer
If it’s important factor-then answer Hepcidin
If its transporter then DMT-1 is the answer

  1. Precipitation of proteins occur when it is treated with all except(AIIMS Nov 2015)
    a) Adding an alcohol and acetone
    b) pH changes is moved away from isoelectric pH
    c) with Trichloro acetic acid
    d) With heavy metals
    Its pH moved towards isoelectric pH, then precipitability is maximum

  2. Why Glucose 6 Phosphatase cytoplasm of hepatocyte is not acted upon by Glucose 6 Phosphatase as soon as it is
    formed? (AIIMS Nov 2015)
    a) Thermodynamically possible only when gluconeogenesis occur
    b) Need Protein Kinase for its activation
    c) Enzyme is present in EPR ,glucose 6 Phosphate need to be transported in to cytoplasm
    d) Steric inhibition of Phosphatase by albumin

6.Glycogen Phosphorylase can be regulated by all following EXCEPT(AIIMS Nov 2015)
a) cAMP
b) Calmodulin
c) Protein Kinase A
d) Glycogenin

7.In lead poisoning which of the following is seen in urine(AIIMS Nov 2015)
a) Delta ALA
b) Uroporphyrin
c) Coproporphyrin
d) Protoporphyrin

8.Vitamin B12 is not required for(AIIMS Nov 2015)
a) Glycogen Phosphorylase
b) Methionine Synthase
c) Methyl Malonyl CoA Mutase
d) Leucine Amino Mutase
Cobamide Enzymes(Vitamin B12 as coenzyme)
 5 deoxyadenosylcobalamine-Methyl Malonyl CoA Mutase,Leucine Amino Mutase
 Methyl B12-Methionine Synthase

9.In HbS, Glutamic acid replaced by valine.What will be its electrophoretic mobility? (AIIMS Nov 2015)
a) Increased
b) Decreased
c) No change
d) Depends on level of concentration of HbS

10.Which of the following does not contribute to glucose? (AIIMS Nov 2015)
a) Lactate
b) Acetyl CoA
c) Pyruvate
d) Oxaloacetate
 Lactate PyruvateOxaloacetate-PEPGlucose
 Acetyl CoA is never converted to Glucose

AIIMS May 2015
11.Substrate used by RBC in fasting state is( May 2015)
a) Glucose
b) Amino Acids
c) Ketone body
d) Fatty acid
 RBC uses Glucose in fed, fasting and starvation

  1. Enzyme common for both glycogenesis and glycogenolysis ( May 2015)
    a) Glycogen synthase
    b) Phosphogluco Mutase
    c) Glucan Transferase
    d) Glycogen Phosphorylase

13.A patient has total Cholesterol 300,TG 150,HDL 25. What would be the LDL value? ( May 2015)
According to Friedwalds equation to calculate LDL-C
Remember VLDL-C=TG/5

  1. RNAi in gene expression denotes( May 2015)
    a) Knockdown
    b) Knock up
    c) Knock in
    d) Knock out
    Targeted Mutagenesis can be of different types
     Gene Knock out- Endogenous gene is replaced by mutated transgene by homologous recombination in embryonic
    stem cell.
     Gene Knock in-Mutated endogenous gene is replaced by normal transgene by homologous recombination in
    embryonic stem cell.
     Gene Knock down-si RNA or mi RNA induced gene silencing called RNA interference or RNAi
     Gene Knock up- Using transcription factors, transcription of gene is increased

  2. A .patient with eruptive xanthomas, drawn blood milky in appearance. Which lipoprotein is elevated in the plasma. (
    May 2015)
    a) Chylomicron
    b) Chylomicron Remnants
    c) LDL
    d) HDL

  3. Very high total cholesterol, elevated LDL , Normal level of LDL receptors. What is the probable cause ? ( May 2015)
    a) ApoB100 mutation
    b) Complete deficiency of Lipoprotein lipase
    c) Cholesterol acyl transferase deficiency

17.A 6 month old boy admitted with failure to thrive with high glutamine and Uracil in urine
Hypoglycemia, high blood ammonia.Treatment given for 2 months. At 8 months again admitted for failure to gain
weight.Gastric tube feeding was not tolerated Child became comatose .Parenteral Dextrose given. Child recovered from
coma within 24 hours.What is the enzyme defect? ( May 2015)
a) CPS1
b) Ornitine transcarbamoylase
c) Arginase
d).arginino Succinate Synthetase
Clue to the diagnosis are
High glutamine content as it is the transporter of Ammonium ion,it is elevated in Hyperammonemia
Uracil in urine-because in OTC defect increased Carbamoyl derivative,enter in to cytoplasm enter in to
pyrimidine synthesis.hence increased Orotic acid ,Uracil etc
If the child presents with weakness,megaloblastic anaemia increased orotic acid or any carbamoyl
compounds etc and no hyperammonemia the diagnosis is Orotic aciduria due to Pyrimidine synthesis enzyme
defect(OPRTase & OMP Decarboxylase)

18.10yrs old boy with muscle weakness, fatigue ,increased lead in blood , which of following a biochemical parameter is
increased ? ( May 2015)
a) ALA synthase
b) Ferrochetalase
c) PBG deaminase
d) delta Amino Levulinic Acid Dehydratase
Lead intoxication…….>ALA Dehydratase inhibited………>Heme is not synthesid………>Decreased Heme induces ALA
Synthase enzyme level at genetic level……>So ALA Synthase increased

  1. Child with hepatomegaly,growth retardation,muscle weakness,Hypoglycemia and accumulation of limit dextrins.What
    is the diagnosis? ( May 2015)
    a) Cori’s disease
    b) Von Gierke’s
    c) Anderson
    d) McCardles Disaese

  2. A middle aged male Crumpled paper appearance in bone marrow , enzyme defect ? ( May 2015)
    a) Glucocerbrosidase
    b) Sphingomylinease
    c) Gangliosidase
    d) βGalactosidase

  3. cre - cis regulatory elements bind to what site? ( May 2015)
    a) REsite
    b) FTR site
    c) Lox P site
    d) INT site

22.Lactic acidosis in thiamine deficiency is due to which enzyme dysfunction? ( May 2015)
a) Phosphoenol Pyruvate Carboxy Kinase
b) Pyruvate Dehydrogenase
c) Pyruvate Carboxylase
d) Aldolase

23.A child presents with coarse facies, macroglossia ,thick lips, hepatosplenomegaly, mucous nasal discharge,frontal
bossing,flat nose.What is the diagnosis? ( May 2015)
a) Beckwith Weidman Syndrome
b) Hurlers Disease
c) Hypothyroidism
d) Proteus Syndrome

24.Major type of collagen in basement membrane( May 2015)
a) Type I
b) Type II
c) Type III
d) Type IV