AIIMS/ NEET-PG 2017 Ophthalmology MCQs 81-90

Q-81. Pigment deposited in band shaped kerato-pathy
a) Iron
b) Calcium
c) Melanin
d) Amyloid

Answer: Calcium
Band keratopathy is characterized by the appearance of a band across the central cornea, formed by the precipitation of calcium salts on the corneal surface.

Q-82. Intra-ocular solid tumour causing bilateral proptosis in children
a) Rhabdomyosarcoma
b) Retinoblastoma
d) Neuroblastoma

Answer: Neuroblastoma
Most common presentation of Chloroma in children is proptosis.
Most common cause of bilateral proptosis in children is metastatic neuroblastoma.

Q-83. A patient is having narrow angle glaucoma. Drug contraindicated in this patient is
a) Acetazolamide
b) Timolol
c) Homatropine
d) Pilocarpine

Answer: Homatropine
Medical treatment in narrow angle glaucoma:
Systemic hyper-osmotic agent: Mannitol 1gm/kg
Pilocarpine eye drop
Beta blocker eye drop: Timolol
Corticosteroid eye drop
Important point:
Homatropine is contraindicated in patients with angle closure glaucoma.

Q-84. Most common carcinoma causing intraocular metastasis in females is
a) Endometrial carcinoma
b) Ovarian carcinoma
c) Cervical carcinoma
d) Breast carcinoma

Answer: Breast carcinoma
Most common primary tumor causing intra-ocular metastasis:
Women: Breast cancer
Men: Lung cancer

Q-85. Conjunctiva in Vitamin A deficiency shows
a) Hyper-keratinization of squamous epithelium
b) Goblet cell hyperplasia
c) Stromal inflammation
d) Actinic degeneration

Answer: Squamous hyperplasia
Vitamin A deficiency:
Early ocular surface changes include keratinization of the conjunctiva and development of superficial punctate keratopathy.
More severe deficiency results in corneal keratinization, ulceration, and necrosis.

Q-86. Not derived from neuro-ectoderm
a) Retina
b) Ciliary muscle
c) Dilator pupillae
d) Sphincter pupillae

Answer: Ciliary muscle
Ocular structures derived from neuro-ectoderm:
Retina with its pigment epithelium
Epithelial layer of ciliary body
Epithelial layer iris
Dilator pupillae and Sphincter pupillae
Optic nerve
Secondary vitreous
Ciliary zonules

Q-87. Most common malignancy associated with retinoblastoma
Thyroid carcinoma
Renal cell seminoma

Answer: Osteosarcoma
It is most common intra-ocular tumor of childhood. It arises as malignant proliferation of the immature retinal neural cell called retinoblast.
Retinoblastoma is caused by retinoblastoma gene (RB), which is a mutation in the long arm of chromosome 13.
Leukocoria (white pupillary reflex or cat’s eye reflex) is the most common presenting sign of retinoblastoma.
Strabismus, which occurs as a result of visual loss, is the second most common mode of presentation.
The most common second cancers among retinoblastoma survivors include:
Soft tissue sarcomas

Q-88. About degenerative myopia which of the following is true?
a) Myopic degeneration can lead to retinal detachment
b) It is more common in men than women
c) Less than – 6D
d) Optic disc swelling is seen

Answer: Myopic degeneration can lead to retinal detachment
Pathological/ degenerative/ progressive myopia:
Myopia > -5 D
Eye ball length > 26 mm
Progressive choroidal degeneration
Complications of Pathological/ degenerative/ progressive myopia:
Retinal detachment
Complicated cataract
Vitreous hemorrhage
Choroidal hemorrhage
Strabismus fixus convergence

Q-89. Cells most commonly affected in glaucomatous optic atrophy
a) Amacrine cells
b) Bipolar cells
c) Ganglion cells
d) Rods and cones

Answer: Ganglion cells
Glaucomatous optic atrophy is characterized by the demise of retinal ganglion cells and their axons that can lead to impaired visual functions and blindness.

Q-90. Which of the following is true regarding concentration of proteins in senile cataract?
a) More insoluble protein, less soluble protein
b) More soluble protein, less insoluble protein
c) Equal concentration
d) None of the above

Answer: More insoluble protein, less soluble protein
Alpha crystallis, as molecular chaperon which are water soluble tend to disappear by age and insoluble protein aggregates increase with age.