A patient is admitted with fever, photophobia, and a non blanching rash

  1. A patient is admitted with fever, photophobia, and a non blanching rash. His ABG values are as follows:
    PaCO2 – 2.2 KPa
    PaO2 – 9.0 KPa
    What is the most likely diagnosis?
    A. Metabolic acidosis
    B. Metabolic alkalosis
    C. Respiratory alkalosis
    D. Respiratory acidosis

  2. A 12 year old boy with pain and swelling in multiple joints (small and large), has mild fever. Which of the following change in his blood investigations will definitely be there?
    A. RA factor positive
    B. Increase in ESR
    C. ANA – positive
    D. Rise in serum uric acid level

  3. A 43 year old male presented to the ENT department with history of nausea and dizziness since 2 weeks. He noticed that these symptoms occur for a few seconds whenever he rolls over in his bed in the mornings. On examination: external ear and tympanic membrane are normal, Rinne’s and Weber’s shows no hearing loss, and his cranial nerves examination are normal. What is the most appropriate clinical test to diagnose patient’s medical condition?
    A. Head Impulse test
    B. Dix-Hallpike test
    C. Audiometry
    D. Romberg’s test
    E. Epley’s manoeuvre

  4. A young man presented with cough, high grade fever and chest pain. CXR shows bilateralcavitating bronchopneumonia. He was diagnosed with influenza infection a week ago. What is the most probable cause of his pneumonia?
    A. Legionella
    B. Mycoplasma
    C. StaphylococcusAureus
    D. Streptococcus pneumonia

  5. A mother brings her 12 year old son to you requesting surgery for his sticking out ears. The boy says he does not want surgery. What do you do?
    A. Refer to private practice
    B. Schedule surgery
    C. Contact social services and explore their concerns

  6. What is the minimum age for consent ?
    A. 14 years
    B. 15 years
    C. 16 years
    D. 18 years

  7. A 37 year old female working as a health care assistant in a nursing home, comes to the A&E with complaints of severe itching all over her body. On asking she replies that she had applied cream on the body of a resident in the nursing home who had similar itches. What is the mechanism of her itch?
    A. Allergic reaction
    B. Inflammation of keratinocytes
    C. Allergic reaction developed due to use of topical steroid creams
    D. Subcutaneous bleeding
    E. None of the above

  8. A 34 year old man from Asia presented with 5 months history of productive cough, night sweats and weight loss. His CXR reveals some shadowing in the left upper zone. What is the single most discriminating investigation?
    A. Acid fast bacilli test for sputum
    B. CXR
    C. CT scan
    D. Thyroid function test
    E. Ultrasound of the abdomen

  9. A patient comes with dyspepsia on H2 receptor blockers now comes with complaints of gradual dysphagia. On oesophagoscopy, inflammation and mild narrowing of the lower 2/3rd of oesophagus is seen. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    A. Oesophageal Ca
    B. Barrets Oesophagus
    C. Achalasia Cardia
    D. Oesophageal stricture

  10. A 23 year old pregnant lady presents with tingling and numbness in her right hand. She has been bothered by it but lately she has discovered that shaking her hand relieves the symptoms. The neurosurgeon has offered her a surgical option. What structure would he want to cut ?
    A. Common flexor sheath
    B. Flexor retinaculum
    C. Flexor carpi ulnaris
    D. Flexor carpi radialis
    E. Extensor retinaculum