. A child presents with fever and maculo-papular rash on the back as shown in the given picture

  1. A child presents with fever and maculo-papular rash on the back as shown in the given picture. What is the most probable diagnosis?
    A. Chicken pox
    B. Kawasaki disease
    C. Measles
    D. Rubella
    E. Scarlet fever

  2. A 65 year old man who has been self medicating for chronic knee pain, presents in the Accident and Emergency with pain in the abdomen. His chest x-ray is given below.
    What is the most definitive treatment?

A. Antibiotics
B. Chest Physiotherapy
C. Urgent Laparotomy
D. Planned Laparatomy
E. Analgesics and Fluids

  1. A man with dementia has a nodule on his scalp. He wants to remove it to improve memory and his daughter refuses surgery.
    A. Refer patient to psychiatry to asses capability to consent
    B. Refuse to do the surgery
    C. Agree with the daughter because she is the one who has to decide for her mother.

  2. A 22 year old girl is type I diabetic. She is prescribed long acting insulin in the morning and short acting insulin before meals. She starts to become hypoglycaemic at about 4 pm. What should be the next management for her?
    A. Stop long acting insulin
    B. Stop short acting insulin
    C. Decrease dose of long acting insulin
    D. Increase dose of short acting insulin
    E. Decrease dose of short acting insulin

  3. A mother is worried about cot death and asks about precautions to prevent it.
    A. Lie the baby prone with feet at feet end ofcot
    B. Lie the baby prone with feet at head end ofcot
    C. Lie the baby supine with feet at head end ofcot
    D. Lie the baby supine with feet at feet end ofcot
    E. Lie the baby supine in the middle of thecot

  4. An elderly woman who used to be always happy, spends money and hyperactive presents with forgetfullness for the past 5 years and is found wandering. It has become worse after her husband’s death 2 years back. She is neglecting herself, has low mood and is not on any treatment. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?
    A. Bipolar disorder
    B. Depression
    C. Dementia
    D. Delusional disorde

  5. A 60 year old man with anuria had left nephrectomy for left renal Ca. Ultrasound shows dilatation of the left upper renal tract with a stone impacted at the pelvic-ureteric junction. Bp 80/40mmHg. What is the appropriate management?
    A. Urethral catheterization
    B. Lithotripsy
    C. Percutaneous right nephrostomy
    D. Dormier basket
    E. Mid streamurine for culture and sensitivity.

  6. A pregnant pt with Rh –ve who hasn’t been previously sensitized delivers her first baby at home without any problem. What would be the
    latest time to administer anti-sensitization?
    A. 6h PP
    B. 24h PP
    C. 48h PP
    D. 72h PP
    E. 5d PP

  7. A 64 years old man presents with sudden onset of severe chest pain and sweating for 45 minutes. The x ray is given below. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A. Pneumothroax
B. Aortic Dissection
C. Heart Failure
E. Pneumonia

  1. A12 year old child is ill. Doctor prescribed treatment. Mother agreed but the child did not agree.
    What will you do?
    A. Agree with the child
    B. Agree with the parent since she is thinking in best interest of the child
    C. Send the child for counseling