A chi square test would be most appropriate for testing which one of the following hypotheses

A chi square test would be most appropriate for testing which one of the following hypotheses

a.That the mean AIPGE score of delhi students is greater than that of mumbai students

b.That a smaller proportion of people who were immunized against chickenpox subsequently develop zoster than those who were not immunized

c.That the mean blood pressure of black and white male hypertensive patients taking ACE inhibitors is the same taking as that of black and white female hypertensive patients taking ACE inhibitor and that of black and white males and females taking diuretics and placebos

d.That the mean cost of treating a patient with coronary artery disease with angioplasty is greater than the mean cost of providing medical treatment

ans:b.That a smaller proportion of people who were immunized against chickenpox subsequently develop zoster than those who were not immunized