A 6wk child presents with progressive cyanosis

A 6wk child presents with progressive cyanosis, poor feeding, tachypnea over the first 2 wks of
life and holosystolic murmur. What is the most appropriate condition?
a. ASD
b. VSD
c. Tricuspid atresia
d. PDA
e. TOF

Q. 1. What is the key?
Q. 2. What are the points in favour?

Ans. 1. The key is E. Tetralogy of Fallot. It is a wrong key!! Correct answer is C. tricuspid atresia.
Ans. 2. Points in favour: i) tachypnoea over first 2 wks of life ii)progressive cyanosis iii) poor feeding iv) holosystolic murmur of VSD.