A 66-year-old plumber presents with moderate dyspnea over the past 12 months

A 66-year-old plumber presents with moderate dyspnea over the past 12 months. The dyspnea has gradually progressed and today he is not able to do any outdoor activity. He has also developed a dry cough and has very little appetite. He was seen by his primary care provider recently and started on bronchodilators. The physical reveals basilar rales and wheezing. There is decreased chest expansion. After reviewing the x-ray the primary refers him for a lung biopsy which is shown below. What one feature on the chest x-ray is a reliable and specific indicator of this patient’s disease?


A. Reticulonodular opacities
B. Bilateral pleural thickening in the upper third of pleura
C. Calcified pleural plaque in diaphragmatic pleura
D. Honeycombing with interstitial infiltrates