A 58 year old man presented with inability to close his left eye. Which nerve is involved?

  1. A 58 year old man presented with inability to close his left eye. Which nerve is involved?
    A. Facial nerve
    B. Oculomotor nerve
    C. Trigeminal nerve
    D. Abducent nerve

  2. A 35 year old man suffering from influenza 5 days ago now develops fever, cough and sputum. Chest X-ray shows bullous appearance. What organism is causing the infection?
    A. Haemophilus influenza
    B. Staphylococcus aureus
    C. Streptococcus pneumonia
    D. Klebsiella

  3. A boy presents to the A&E department. He was playing with his pencil in the class. He scratched his ear with the pencil and when he took out his pencil, he found that the eraser at the pencil tip was missing. Choose the single most appropriate method of removal of foreign body for this person.
    A. Removal with a hook
    B. Syringing
    C. Removal under GA
    D. Putting oil
    E. Putting alcohol

  4. A 51 years old Lady in A&E presents with severe chest pain following accident. On examination, there are multiple rib fractures on both sides. How will you manage?
    A. Stabilization of the ribs
    B. Paracetamol (PCM) tablet
    C. Oral morphine
    D. TENS

  5. A 28 year old woman who is 32 weeks pregnant, in her third pregnancy, is diagnosed as a case of placental abruptio. After all the effective measures she is still bleeding. What is the underlying pathology?
    A. Clotting factors problem D. Succenturiate lobe
    B. Clauser’s syndrome
    C. Platelets problem

  6. A 32-year-old man presents with confusion, ataxia and ophthalmoplegia. What is the most probable diagnosis?
    A. Wernicke’s Korsakoff
    B. Meningitis
    C. Stroke
    D. TIA

  7. A 16 year old boy presents with acute pain in the right ear and little bleeding from the same ear. He had been in a boxing match and had sustained a blow to the ear. There is little amount of blood in the auditory canal and a small perforation of the eardrum. What is the most appropriate management?
    A. Admission for parental antibiotics
    B. Nasal de-congestant
    C. Oral Amoxicillin
    D. Outpatient clinic review
    E. Packing of the ear

  8. You are the foundation year doctor in the emergency department when a mother brings her 2- year- old son to you with a one hour history of noisy breathing. She states that although he had a mild coryza over the last week, he was improving and so they had gone to a children’s picnic with nursery friends. Another parent had found him coughing and spluttering, and ever since the breathing has remained noisy. Though he appears well in the department, his current observations demonstrate a raised respiratory rate and saturations of 91% on air. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    A. Anaphylaxis E. Tonsillitis
    B. Croup
    C. Foreign body aspiration
    D. Epiglottitis

  9. A 30 year old lady with two months history of abdominal cramps, bloating, blood, mucus in stool. Most appropriate initial investigation :
    A. Colonoscopy
    B. Fecal occult blood
    C. Stool culture and sensitivity
    D. Fecal calprotectin

  10. A 64 year old female presents to the emergency department with sudden loss of vision in her right eye. There is no history of headache or eye pain. Patient is on anti-hypertensive medications. On examination the right eye shows no signs of congestion. Visual acuity is 20/200. Red reflex is present. Ophthalmoscopy shows hyperaemia with numerous flame shaped haemorrhages and increased tortuosity of the retinal blood vessels. What is the likely diagnosis?
    A. CRAO
    B. Retinal detachment
    C. GCA
    D. BRAO
    E. CRVO