A 4 year old girl presents with runny nose

A 4 year old girl presents with runny nose, mild fever, distinct “barking cough” and inspiratory stridor. Which of the following conditions is she most likely to have?


Correct answer

correct answer: D

Infectious agents in the lungs tend to have predelictions for particular locations in the in the respiratory system. Acute laryngotracheitis, or croup, is caused by respiratory viruses such as parainfluenza and most commonly affects young children. Stridor occurs because the inflamed vocal cords collapse with the negative pressure of inspiration. Bronchitis affects the large airways, impairing normal ciliary function and causing productive cough. Bronchiolitis is caused by respiratory viruses such as RSV, affects smaller airways, and rarely affects patients older than age 2. Bronchiectasis is bronchial dilation and mucus plugging that occurs after chronic inflammation, such as in cystic fibrosis or recurrent pneumonia. Pneumonia is infection of the alveoli, which typically causes productive cough.