10 Max dose of varenicline used for smoking cessation?

Q 1 foll represents the newest class of parkinson medication ?

A ) amantadine B ) tolcapone C ) selegiline D ) ropirinole

Q 2 atrial flutter is characterised by an atrial rate between ?

A ) 150 - 250 B ) 250 - 350 C ) 350 - 450 D ) 450 - 550

Q 3 Most common complication of rheumatoid arthritis ?

A ) conduction defects B ) pericarditis C ) endocarditis D ) myocarditis

Q 4 Part of brain most commonly affected in alzheimer dse is ?

A ) locus ceruleus B ) nucleus of meynert C ) entorhinnal cortex D ) prefrontal cortex

Q 5 vitamin not involved in kreb cycle ?

A ) niacin

B ) biotin

C ) pyridoxine

D ) riboflavin

Q 6 doughnut sign is seen in ?

A ) intussusception

B ) meckel diverticulum

C ) volvulus

D ) intestinal malrotation

Q 7 MMR vaccine is controversially associated with ?

A ) ADHD B ) Autism C ) dyslexia D ) schizophrenia

Q 8 Action of superior oblique muscle is ?

A ) depression , extorsion , adduction

B ) intorsion , depression , adduction

C ) intorsion , depression , abduction

D ) depression , extorsion , abduction

Q 9 1st branch of axillary A ?

A ) thoracoacromial A

B ) superior thoracic A

C ) lat thoracic A

D ) subscapular A

Q 10 Max dose of varenicline used for smoking cessation ?

A ) 0.5 mg

B ) 1 mg

C ) 1.5 mg

D ) 2 mg